Shoulder Stretches
Deltoid/Rotator Cuff Stretch
Using a non-stretch strap or rope, hold the rope in your Right hand, behind your head, bring your Left hand behind your back and grab the rope. First pull down on the rope with your Left hand, stretching your Right shoulder, then pull up on the rope with your Right hand stretching your Left shoulder
Drop the rope from your Right hand and bring your Right arm behind your back. Bring your Left hand and rope behind your head and grab the rope with your Right hand. Pull down on the rope with your Right hand then pull up on the rope with your Left hand.
Read the Basics section for how long to hold stretches.
Infraspinatus Stretch
This stretch can also be done on the edge of a bed or table. If using one of these the elbow should be off of the bed/table.
Lay on the floor on your Right side, bring your Right arm perpendicular to your body (90 degrees), bend your elbow bringing your fingers pointing to the ceiling. Let your arm/hand drop towards the floor, palm down. Bring your Left hand on top of your Right hand and press gently.
Repeat this process laying on your Left side to stretch your Left Infraspinatus.
Rhomboid/Mid Traps Stretch
This stretch can be done standing or sitting.
Bring you Right arm up, perpendicular to your torso, move it to the Left, across your body, keeping it at shoulder height. Bring your Left arm up under your Right arm at the elbow, bend your Left elbow, cupping your Right arm and using your Left arm, pull your Right arm into your chest.
Subscapularis Stretch
This stretch can also be done on a bed or table. If using one of these, the elbow should be off of the bed.
Lay on your Right side with your Right arm perpendicular to your body. Bend the elbow so that the fingers are pointing to the ceiling. Let your arm/hand drop toward the floor, palm up.
Bring your Left hand onto your Right hand and gently press down.
Repeat this process laying on your left side to stretch your Left Subscapularis.