Neck Stretches
Neck Flexor Stretch
Begin by bending your head forward, chin on chest. Cross your hands and place your fingers on your collar bones, palms on your chest, press your hands into your body gently and pull down slightly. Bring you head up and back stretching the anterior neck muscles, Scalenes, SCM, Platisma.
Neck Rotator Stretch
Turn your head to the Right, place your Left finger on your cheek/jaw bone and gently push, rotating your head further to the right.
Repeat the process for the other side.
Neck Extensor Stretch
Interlace fingers behind your head, bring your chin to your chest and gently push with your hands on the back of your head, stretching the posterior neck muscles.
Seated Levator Stretch
Place your Left hand palm down under your buttocks at the location of your Left back pocket of your pants. Sitting nice and straight rotate your neck 45 degrees to the Right and bring your chin to your chest. Place your Right hand palm down under your buttocks at the location of your Right back pocket. Sitting nice and straight rotate your neck 45 degrees to the Left and bring your chin to your chest.
Lateral Neck Stretch
Sitting in a chair, grab and hold onto the seat with your Left hand, sitting nice and straight, tip your neck to the Right. To make this stretch more aggressive bring your Right hand onto your head by the Left ear and let the weight of your arm stretch your neck even more. Do NOT pull your neck with your arm. Let the weight of your arm do the work. Repeat this process to stretch the opposite side.
Standing Levator Stretch
Stand nice and straight, bring your Right arm behind your back and reach down and to the Left. Grab your Right wrist with your Left hand to help hold it down and tip your neck to the Left.
Repeat this process to stretch the opposite side.