Arm Stretches


Basics    Arms     Back/Abdomen     Ball     Chest    Feet    Hands     Hips     Neck    Shoulders    Thighs

Bicep/Forearm Flexor Stretch

Get on your hands and knees.  Rotate your arms so that your fingers are pointing toward you.  Lean your buttocks back toward your heals to stretch your forearm flexors. 

Forearm Extensor Stretch

Stand with your arm out in front of you and your elbow locked(not bent).  Let your wrist drop and grasp your fingers with the opposite hand.  Gently pull fingers toward you stretching the forearm extensors. 

Forearm Flexor Stretch

Stand with your arm out in front of you and your elbow locked(not bent).  Bend wrist, pointing fingers up.  Use the opposite hand to gently pull the fingers/hand towards you stretching the forearm flexors.

Prayer Position

Step #1 -

Stand with hands in the prayer position.  Slowly lower the hands so that the heels of the hands separate slightly but not so far that the palm side of the knuckles separate, stretching the central aspect of the forearm flexors.  Palm side of knuckles should always stay in contact with each other.  Return to prayer position for step #2.

Inverted Prayer Position 

Step #2 -

Rotate your hands away from you so that your fingers are pointing downward.  Slowly bring your hands up toward your chin so that the heels of the hand separate slightly stretching the lateral aspect of the forearm.  Return to prayer position for step #3.

Sideways Prayer Position

Step #3 -

Rotate your hands so that your fingers are pointing towards you.  Push your arms away from your chest so that the heels of the hand separate slightly, stretching the medial aspect of the forearm flexors.

Thumb/Radial Deviator Stretch

Stand with your arm out in front of you and your elbow locked (not bent), fingers straight out, thumb pointed up.  Bend your thumb down into your palm and close your fingers around your thumb.  Gently tip your wrist down stretching your thumb extensors and radial wrist deviators.